
The Irish Quaternary Association (IQUA) was founded in the 1970s to co-ordinate and energise all aspects of Quaternary research in Ireland and to pass on existing expertise through conferences and field excursions. See below our leaflet describing who we are and what we do (click on the image to access the pdf).

We were delighted to organise the International Quaternary Union (INQUA) 20th Congress in the Dublin Convention Centre in July 2019. This conference hosted a record number of experts from all over the world for the largest geoscience event ever hosted in Ireland. Find out more here.

Events and News

  • Call for Abstracts: IQUA Autumn Symposium 2024Call for Abstracts: IQUA Autumn Symposium 2024
    Dear IQUA Members, We are excited to invite you to the 2024 Autumn Symposium, which will take place on Friday 29th November and will be the first event hosted in the recently refurbished GSI headquarters in Beggar’s Bush, Haddington Road, Dublin 4.  The theme of this year’s symposium will be “Peatlands: Past, Present and Future”. Peatlands are ...
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  • IQUA Bill Watts, Research and Valerie Hall awards 2024 – Calls open!
    The following IQUA awards are now open for applications:   IQUA RESEARCH AWARD This award is to pay for analyses (e.g., radiocarbon dates, geochemical determinations), or laboratory fees.     BILL WATTS 14CHRONO AWARD This award pays for several AMS radiocarbon dates for current postgraduate members of IQUA.   VALERIE HALL AWARD This award is for the best student or early-career researcher-led paper published by an IQUA ...
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  • IQUA/QRA Spring Field Meeting 2024, 5-7 AprilIQUA/QRA Spring Field Meeting 2024, 5-7 April
    It is with great pleasure that we announce a joint IQUA/QRA field meeting to Co. Louth led by Gill Plunkett, Ryan Smazal, Cathy Delaney and Jasper Knight. We will meet in the Imperial Hotel in Dundalk at 7 pm on Friday (5 April), and keep our fingers crossed for clement weather as we tour the ...
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