On this historic day marking the retirement of Pete Coxon, the leading figure behind the organisation of the INQUA 2019 congress in Dublin 14 months ago, IQUA wishes to release the video that was produced and that highlights some of the great moments from this conference. Pete wishes to thank all people concerned with the build-up, plan and eventually the runnning of the Congress and associated fieldtrips to such a wonderful success. IQUA also wishes to thank our sponsors for the Congress; Science Foundation Ireland, Geological Survey Ireland, Geological Survey of Northern Ireland and Fáilte Ireland.
Informal field meetings Autumn 2020
The IQUA Fieldtrip 2020 has been postponed to 2021 due to the ongoing pandemic situation. Several members have kindly offered to lead informal regional field meetings for interested parties, subject to individual travel arrangements in the months of September and October. Check the descriptions of the events here and contact the relevant leader to register your interest.
Note: fieldguides will not be produced and published for these excursions.
Inaugural Eileen Reilly Postgraduate Research Award recipient
Despite our current isolation and the slow stream of IQUA related news, I am delighted to officially announce the winner of this year’s Eileen Reilly Postgraduate Research award.
Congratulations to Adrienne Foreman from NUI Galway who is currently undergoing her first year of PhD with Dr Gordon Bromley in Palaeoclimatology.
This award will allow her to expand on her research outputs and we can’t wait to hear about the results in an upcoming newsletter or spring meeting.
Best wishes to her and to you all in these troubling circumstances.
Catch up as soon as we can safely do so.
Cancellation of IQUA spring meeting and AGM 2020
Due to the ongoing sanitary crisis linked with the Covid-19 virus outbreak, the decision has been made to cancel our spring meeting and AGM due to take place on the 28th of March 2020 at Queen’s University Belfast.
Thank you for your consideration. Stay safe and we’ll let you know as soon as we organise a new event on the other side of this outbreak.
IQUA spring meeting 2020 at Queen’s Univeristy Belfast
The Irish Quaternary Association Spring Meeting 2020 will be held at the Elmwood Building at Queen’s University Belfast on Saturday the 28th March. Registration will commence at 9:30am.
The meeting is open to all and will consist of short (20 minute) presentations on any area of new or ongoing Quaternary research. Postgraduate and post-doctoral students are especially welcome and are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to present in an informal and friendly setting. Both oral and poster presentations are invited and there will be a prize for the best postgraduate talk.
Please send abstracts of c. 200 words to Graeme Swindles g.swindles@qub.ac.uk, indicating poster or talk.
The meeting will be followed by the IQUA AGM on the Saturday afternoon.
There will be a small fee to pay to cover at least some of the expenses related to the meeting and to support further IQUA’s activities. The fee will be €10/€5 for members and students/concessions respectively and €20 for non-members. Payments in £GBP will also be accepted.
IQUA Symposium 2019: A Selection from INQUA _ 29th Nov 2019
This year’s symposium entitled “A Selection from INQUA” will take place on Friday the 29th of November 2019 in the Geological Survey Ireland lecture theatre in Beggar’s Bush.
The programme aims to showcase a range of talks delivered at our recent INQUA congress in Dublin on diverse subjects. It highlights talks by Irish based researchers and/or research projects about Ireland. Registration is €20/10 for full/student members and €30/15 for non-members. See schedule below. Everyone is welcome.
Heritage Week 2019 – Events from IQUA members
This year’s edition of Heritage Week will be running from the 17th to the 25th of August 2019 all over the country with a large selection of events. Here are some that are organised by IQUA members and might be of interest. For more information and to look for other events, visit https://www.heritageweek.ie/.
Continue reading “Heritage Week 2019 – Events from IQUA members”
The Irish Quaternary Cycle is under way
The cycle is under way and has left Mizen Head yesterday. Follow Sam’s progress here.
Ireland and the Ice Age: a public event
IQUA is delighted to invite you all to our upcoming public event; a set of talks for the general public on Ireland and the Ice Age. The event will take place on Saturday the 13th of April 2019 from 4 to 6pm in the auditorium at the National Botanical Garden in Galsnevin, Dublin.
The seminar will be chaired by the acclaimed journalist and author Lorna Siggins and will feature talks catered for the general public.
Prof Peter Coxon from Trinity College Dublin will talk about the Irish Landscape before the Ice Age and the changes that occured because of it.
Prof John Sweeney from Maynooth University will delve into the evolution of the climate that triggered and followed the Ice Age.
Dr Bethan Davies of Royal Holloway University in London will explore the importance of teaching the events of this time period, the Quaternary, and the influence it has on our modern world.
The seminar will also feature the official launch of a new IQUA booklet entitled “Giants of Irish Quaternary Science“. This publication contains profiles of a cross-section of scientists who made seminal contributions to the understanding of the Quaternary landscapes of Ireland. An associated pull-up banner exhibition on 10 of these figures will also be launched and on display.
This is a free event but registration is necessary due to limited places. To register please click here.
Associated with this event, a tour of the Herbarium in the Botanic Gardens by Dr Colin Kelleher will take place at 2:30 pm and will be repeated at 3pm. The visit will focus on Alpine species of Ireland and their arrival in Ireland after the Ice Age. The visit will only cater for a limited number of people and will operate on a first come first served basis. For those interested, please meet 5 minutes prior to either of the tour by the cafe entrance outside the visitor reception area.