Links to Other Organisations

National institutions:

Royal Irish Academy

Geological Survey of Ireland

Geological Survey of Northern Ireland

Marine Institute

Environmental Protection Agency

An Taisce, The National Trust for Ireland

National Museum of Ireland

Office of Public Works

The Discovery Programme

The Heritage Council

National Monuments Service

Ordnance Survey Ireland

Republic of Ireland, Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government

Republic of Ireland, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

Republic of Ireland, Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources

Republic of Ireland, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine


International Union for Quaternary Research

Quaternary Research Association (UK)

Institute of Geologists of Ireland

Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland

Galway Geological Association

Annual conferences:

Conference of Irish Geographers

Commercial services:

Centre for Climate, the Environment, and Chronology (CHRONO)

Beta analytic radiocarbon dating

Dendrochronology commercial service

RESET tephra database