The IQUA Symposium 2017 “Drainage in Glacial Landscapes” which will be held on Friday the 24th of November
in the GSI lecture theatre. Registration from 9:30am.
To whet your appetite, here are some teasers for tomorrow’s talks – it certainly looks like it will be a fascinating day!
John Lowe explores the difficulty of timing the Younger Dryas readvance in the Scottish Highlands.
Susan Hegarty revisits the late glacial meltwater channels in county Kilkenny.
Robbie Meehan will try to untangle the Rathcroghan Uplands landscape from county Roscommon. Non-glacial drainage in glacially moulded landscape.
Jasper Knight reviews the eskers from North-Central Ireland.
Ro Charlton reveals the glacial influence of Holocene drainage in the Shannon basin.
Mike Philcox reviews the story of the Glacial Lake at Blessington.
Anthony Beese describes a late-glacial boulder deposit in Tipperary.
Robert Devoy and Pete Coxon join forces to unpeel the interglacial sequences of the lower Lee estuary.
Looking forward to seeing you there!