IQUA Spring Field Meeting 2022

It is with great pleasure that we can announce our first in-person event since November 2019 in the form of the highly anticipated field meeting to Sligo organised and led by Susann Stolze. Initial plans are to meet in the Riverside Hotel in Sligo on Friday (22nd) evening, which is offering discounted prices on rooms (€50 Bed and Breakfast per person per night sharing; €50 single occupancy surcharge; ring the hotel directly on 071 919 4480, citing IQUA fieldtrip).

Click on image below for further information

IQUA spring meeting 2022 at Queen’s Univeristy Belfast

The Irish Quaternary Association Spring Meeting 2022 will be held in person at the Elmwood Building at Queen’s University Belfast on Saturday the 30th April. Registration will commence at 9:30am.

The meeting is open to all and will consist of short (20 minute) presentations on any area of new or ongoing Quaternary research. Postgraduate and post-doctoral students are especially welcome and are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to present in an informal and friendly setting. Both oral and poster presentations are invited and there will be a prize for the best postgraduate talk.

Please send abstracts of c. 200 words to Graeme Swindles, indicating poster or talk.

The meeting will be followed by the IQUA AGM on the Saturday afternoon.

There will be a small fee to pay to cover at least some of the expenses related to the meeting and to support further IQUA’s activities. The fee will be €10/€5 for members and students/concessions respectively and €20 for non-members. Payments in £GBP will also be accepted.

IQUA annual symposium 2021

Due to the high incidence rate of COVID19 and difficulties in securing a suitable venue capable of supporting a hybrid event, this year’s Autumn Symposium will again be online. The event will be held via Zoom (details to be confirmed) on Friday, 26 November. We invite short talks (15 minutes) on the symposium theme of abrupt climate change. Please send abstracts (100-200 words) to no later than 18 November.

IQUA spring meeting 2021 programme and secondary teaching aid launch

Our upcoming Spring meeting is on next week on Friday the 16th.
The meeting is free to attend, and starts at 10am (zoom link below). The AGM will occur after the talks, sometime around 12:45. The programme schedule is below.
The meeting will also feature the official launch of our post primary teaching resource “Shaping the Landscape”. IQUA developed this teaching and learning resource sponsored by The Heritage Council, Geological Survey Ireland and Geological Survey of Northern Ireland. The lesson plan is the first 2nd level teaching aid for Quaternary Science in Ireland and was developed in an iterative process between teachers, geological survey staff (north and south) and IQUA committee members. The instructional aid, composed of an 8 pages of Study Notes accompanied by a 4 pages student Workbook is focused at 2nd level geography, earth science students and future undergraduates and is available to download at
Looking forward to seeing you all at the meeting. Zoom link:

IQUA symposium 2020 programme

Friday the 27th of November is our annual symposium on carbon sequestration! We have twelve speakers lined up, including a keynote by William Austin of the University of St Andrews.
The welcoming speaker, IQUA president Gill Plunkett, will begin at 10:15 and the webinar will open to attendees at 10:00.
The link to the Zoom webinar, (registration-free) is
See the programme below:


IQUA annual symposium 2020

Our annual symposium is arriving on the 27th of November. Current restrictions means it will be organised online through zoom. Further information on registration will come soon. See the flyer below for the list of our confirmed speakers..

Informal field meetings Autumn 2020

The IQUA Fieldtrip 2020 has been postponed to 2021 due to the ongoing pandemic situation. Several members have kindly offered to lead informal regional field meetings for interested parties, subject to individual travel arrangements in the months of September and October. Check the descriptions of the events here and contact the relevant leader to register your interest.

Note: fieldguides will not be produced and published for these excursions.

View of Sperrins

Cancellation of IQUA spring meeting and AGM 2020

Due to the ongoing sanitary crisis linked with the Covid-19 virus outbreak, the decision has been made to cancel our spring meeting and AGM due to take place on the 28th of March 2020 at Queen’s University Belfast.

Thank you for your consideration. Stay safe and we’ll let you know as soon as we organise a new event on the other side of this outbreak.

IQUA spring meeting 2020 at Queen’s Univeristy Belfast

The Irish Quaternary Association Spring Meeting 2020 will be held  at the Elmwood Building at Queen’s University Belfast on Saturday the 28th March. Registration will commence at 9:30am.

The meeting is open to all and will consist of short (20 minute) presentations on any area of new or ongoing Quaternary research. Postgraduate and post-doctoral students are especially welcome and are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to present in an informal and friendly setting. Both oral and poster presentations are invited and there will be a prize for the best postgraduate talk.

Please send abstracts of c. 200 words to Graeme Swindles, indicating poster or talk.

The meeting will be followed by the IQUA AGM on the Saturday afternoon.

There will be a small fee to pay to cover at least some of the expenses related to the meeting and to support further IQUA’s activities. The fee will be €10/€5 for members and students/concessions respectively and €20 for non-members. Payments in £GBP will also be accepted.