Outreach Links, Events & Exhibitions

Mammal exhibitions:

IQUA has teamed up with Museum on the Move to offer exhibition of current and extinct mammals of Ireland. They have been great successes with school children and adults marvelling at the site of a Giant Irish Deer staring back at you. See below the posters for our past events and some pictures from our first event in the Granary library in Limerick in April 2018.

Ireland and the Ice Age

Click on the image above for more information on our public event on Ireland and the Ice Age that took place in April 2019 in the National Botanics Gardens.

IQUA Self-publications:

Quaternary sites of Ireland

An A3 map of the Quaternary sites in Ireland is included in your registration pack. This map was designed with the general public and visiting experts in mind to help highlight the most significant sites on the Island of Ireland that were discovered, visited and analysed over the course of the development of Quaternary science research in the region. 60 sites were selected classified as archaeological, geomorphological, megafaunal, palaeoenvironmental and stratigraphical sites with the 3 UNESCO World Heritage Sites also indicated. They are displayed over the topography (EU-DTM at 25m resolution) and bathymetry (EMODnet bathymetry DTM at around 115m resolution) with added indications of landscape features like lakes, main rivers, bogs, ice-moulded sediments (drumlins, ribbed moraines, …), hummocky esker and moraines, U-shaped valley and larger urban areas. Although some of the historical sites are not accessible anymore, most are still visible and were visited for instance during IQUA field meetings over the years or will be during some of the congress excursions. They are named and described succinctly at the back of the map. A digital interactive version with further description, pictures and references is in the works to be included on this website in the future.

IQUA leaflet

IQUA Leaflet. Click on the image to download the pdf file.