We are pleased to provide final details for our upcoming Autumn Symposium on Friday 1st December. We have a list of excellent speakers lined up – the final programme schedule can be downloaded at the link above.
Location: The Symposium will take place in the Helen Roe Lecture Theatre at The Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland Society House, 63 Merrion Square, Dublin. The lecture theatre can be accessed directly from the street via a stairway ~10 m east of the RSAI front entrance (this will be sign-posted on the day). Please note: unfortunately due to the age of the building the venue is accessible by stairs only – if this will cause any inconvenience to you please let us know as soon as possible.
Transport: We recommend travel by public transport as there is no parking available at the venue. There is some on street parking around Merrion Square but please be advised this is limited and fills up quickly in the morning. If you are arriving into Dublin Heuston, the 26 bus from Parkway Street will take you directly to Merrion Square. If you are arriving into Dublin Connolly or Busáras bus station, the DART, red and green tram lines from Connolly will take you to Dublin Pearse which is a 10 minute walk from the venue.
Lunch: Unfortunately we are unable to provide lunch at the Symposium. There are a number of cafes, restaurants and shops at the Baggot Street – Merrion Street Upper interchange, approximately 5 minutes walk from the venue.
Registration: Registration will open from 9:30am for a 10am start. Entry will be €15 for student and €30 for non-student members. Please bring cash to make payment on the day. We look forward to welcoming you at the Symposium. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.