We are excited to invite you to the 2023 IQUA Autumn Symposium that will take place on Friday 1st December at The Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland Society House, 63 Merrion Square, Dublin.
The Symposium theme is ‘Marginal environments: processes, use, and resilience’. During the Quaternary, a wide variety of environments evolved and developed. All landscapes have a physical margin where change and transition between environmental states takes places, such as ice sheets and coastal plains. Additionally some environments, such as uplands, have been perceived as ‘marginal’ by populations due to inherent environmental constraints. Marginal environments are especially susceptible to the effects of recent global changes. Understanding processes, use and resilience of and in these landscapes through the Quaternary provides a crucial baseline for predicting their future states and implementing appropriate conservation and mitigation measures. We welcome abstracts that explore marginality through the Quaternary.
We are now welcoming abstract submissions for oral presentations (12 minutes +3 for questions). Abstracts should be unreferenced and no longer than 250 words (please use the attached template for formatting). Submissions should be sent to to hessell01@qub.ac.uk and hmosley01@qub.ac.uk no later than Wednesday 8th November.